Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Its Freaking Cool~

I found this incredible breakdance on youtube, hope your guys enjoy it. But, no matter wherever you are, whatever your do, please dont try this at home.


Aurellia Eustacia said...


hw r u? i'm kinda like.. in a bad mood..

I gave a call to my ex bf.. and i heard a sound of a girl.. a very sweet voice!! so i asked him.. is she your friend??

He's like "erm.. ya..".

He sounded like he was lying.. So i asked him again.. finally he told me the truth!! WTH!!

i mean.. not that i'm being obsessed to him, but STILL!! Eventhough we are only friends now, but it doesn't mean that HE would lie to me for just a SMALL thing!!!

ya..i admit that i'm JEALOUS!! coz i just broke up with my bf.. so what?! when i knew that he lied to me, i was like.. DAMN!!!

Aurellia Eustacia said...

same thing happened to me here.. i'm getting lazier and lazier.. which i never want it to happen to me..

last time.. i was really a good girl.. REALLY!!! but things just changed when i had my first bf.. not that i blame him.. But "LOVE" really DRIVES ME CRAZY!!!!

sometimes, i wish i'm single.. it's good to be loved.. but it's hard to LOVE a person..

WAIT!! i'm supposed to write this to my blog!! ending up i'm telling you all these stuff!! shit!!

anyway.. i'm gonna fail my physics too! the night before i went to school for the physics paper.. i broke up with my bf.. i cried the whole night!! and i cried in school too! felt so embarrassed..

take care!

have a nice day..