Sigh... This is the 1st time I have this kind of headache. For this few days my head was so pain. I never had headache before. Now only I know what is mean by "my head is gonna blow!" This week I have 2 tests, 1 presentation and next week I have to summit 3 lab reports and 1 presentation... Is this the cause why I am having headache? Or I have a tumor insde my head and I am gonna die!! (Think so much... Thought korean drama meh...) Or I blast song so my head also bomb with the bass? Or I eat too much durian?(Kira fault! D24 la... now headache ady! lol).
Anyway, hope that I can cope with whatever problem I am having now. O ya, Stupid lab reports! If I dont have to complete these lab reports I could have go and shopping! Mega sale leh!(sound like a girl, but nowadays clothes getting more expensive, so i have to go mega sale...ngek ngek) Haiz... tomorrow will be another boring weekend... Anyone has any plan? I am always available for any outing plan! Lab report is not important! hehe... *headache*
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